
The ceramics industry is dependent on various raw materials for creating their products, and barium carbonate is one of them. For ceramics customers, the process of using barium carbonate follows a specific workflow.

First, the customer must identify their need for barium carbonate. It is commonly used as a flux for glazes and enamel, but customers may have other requirements.

After the customer receives the barium carbonate, they must store it properly. Barium carbonate should be kept in a dry environment to prevent it from absorbing moisture, which can reduce its effectiveness during use.

When it is time to use the barium carbonate, the customer must first test it to ensure it meets their specifications. If it passes the test, the barium carbonate is added to the ceramic glaze or enamel in a specific proportion as per the recipe. The customer must closely monitor the firing process that follows, to ensure that the barium carbonate performs as expected.

In addition to barium carbonate, the ceramics industry also depends on other products like kaolin, feldspar, and quartz. The process of using these other products is similar to that of barium carbonate, with slight variations depending on the nature of the product.

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